23 February 2010

The Krëhbiël Agency Featured in the Curated Art Bistro Design Gallery in February 2010!!!

My design work under The Krëhbiël Agency's name was featured in Monster's ArtBistro Design Gallery curated under Brandon Jameson in February 2010!!!

Here are the candidates for this month alongside my name and thoughtful words by our curator:

Here is the direct permalink to my featured portfolios:

My profile and portfolio will be featured on ArtBistro's home page on March 2nd, 2010 for one week.
Check out: ArtBistro

My work will also be included on ArtBistro's Virtual Artist Opening on March 4th, 2010 at 8pm EST.
I will post the online address very soon!

Thank you to everyone for all of your support and advisement over the past few years!
Back to illustration for the time being!

-Ms. Krëhbiël

11 February 2010

A Sneak Peak Into The Schérhérazade Series

Debuting the Schérhérazade Series: Zoebeida.
This illustration series will in time be implemented for an adapted young adult book, soon after I complete the first draft. I am currently scouting some venues in the area to debut the work.
More profiles, spot illustrations and set designs will be posted soon!