29 August 2009

"Great designers seldom make great advertising men, because they get overcome by the beauty of the picture - and forget that merchandise must be sold."
James Randolph Adams

27 August 2009

An Interim Statement

Hello friends and colleagues!
Just a brief update; project wise. It has been quite a summer and it feels extraordinarily irregular to not prepare for the autumn semester. This summer has kept me quite occupied, firmly establishing the agency and promoting my illustration work as well as looking for that 8-5 job with health insurance.
The Krëhbiël Agency has received a load of work the past three months. Coupled with that, there have been a lot of ideas churning about for upcoming illustration projects as well as commissions. More will be posted soon!

For an abridged itinerary, of course subject to change; I have been requested to illustrate two young adult books for a Polish woman author overseas (this is still hush, hush), my book The Brothers' Baronov transcript is still in process/editing but the illustrations are finally taken shape. Lastly, there has been some interest from galleries around the state and a gallery in Poland interested in incorporating my work into upcoming shows early next year. Details, dates and times will be posted as we near the opening.

In summary, a message to my colleagues at VCU, seniors and sophomores: It is up to you to work as diligently and as hard in order to promote yourself and to be successful, both academically and professionally. But to do so, start as early as you walk into your first semester in Communication Arts. Your professors are valuable assets and full of resources, your colleagues also offer links to you in the art community, take advantage of your time at VCU. Furthermore, having a community to sustain contact is an integral part of your success as a visual artist.

Have a wonderful semester to you all,

Stèphanie M. T. Krëhbiël (VCU Communication Arts Alumni 2009)
The Krëhbiël Agency
Präsident und Generaldirektor
President and CEO