30 November 2009

A Russian Christmas

A working cover for a children's storybook. This will hopefully be a bilingual publication!

19 November 2009

"A great trademark is appropriate, dynamic, distinctive and unique."
Primo Angeli

10 November 2009

Zobeida: Dancer in Schérhérazade

The character featured here is Tamara Karsavina as 'Zobeida'; the sloe-eyed, Theda Bara-esqued dancer from the Russian ballet Schérhérazade (A Persian tale, originally from the book One Thousand and One Nights). It also made its debut in the encore presentation Eikonostasis. This piece will is also the prerequisite of the upcoming Schérhérazade Series.

09 November 2009

One must seek solutions that are engaging and demanding visually.

Traveling Show: Eikonostasis Encore

Due to high demand, an encore presentation of the debut exhibition 'Eikonostasis' was unveiled this month at the Goochland Library Gallery of Virginia. A perfect venue for children and young adult book writers seeking illustrators. The exhibition also features new additional pieces dedicated to the series not featured in the previous gallery in the preceding month.
Be sure to visit the gallery of the Goochland Library on River Road West in Goochland. Contact 804.556.4774 for directions!
Exhibition dates: 09.November-30.November 2009

Thank you to all who attended the opening reception and the posted gallery dates at Richmond's Gallery5 during the Carnival of 5 Fires in October.
New work will be posted soon!

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